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White Tail Deer : Standard Shoulder Mount : $550.00 Back-Pack Mount with Canvas and Rope : $675.00 Wall Pedestal Shoulder : $625.00 Full Pedestal : $675.00 /// Base is extra charge Full Body & Half Body mounts priced on request Velvet Antlers : $10 per inch (Outside Width , Example : If your outside width is 15" it would cost $150 ) Charge for Freeze Drying Velvet Antlers ,, will be shipped to Missouri To: Anthony Eddy Wildlife Studio/// AT LEAST 4 MONTHS TO GET ANTLERS BACK // or I can spray with Antler Spray for $50. Freeze Dry is Best but cost is greater ! 35% DEPOSIT on total mount cost is REQUIRED
Any open mouth mount is $150.00 additional charge White Tail Deer Hardwood Panels run $80.00
European Skull Mounts :Whitetail Deer,, $165.00 includes panel /// I use a reproduction skull and attach your antlers (very durable and realistic) Antler Repair : $30.00 Each Bobcat : Full Body Closed Mouth : $675.00 /// Open Mouth : $775.00 Standard Shoulder Mount : $300.00 //// Open Mouth : $400.00 Pedestal Shoulder Mount : $350.00 //// Open Mouth : $450.00 All Bases are a additional charge or you can bring your own ///// Habitat work is $45.00 per Sq. FT
FISH : $16.00 per inch on total length.(Skin mount )... ($18 per inch on Reproduction) There is a ($100.00 min) Panels and Driftwood are a additional charge /// Driftwood : $65.00 ; Pressed Panels : $45.00 Fish Finished on both sides are $36.00 per inch
Turkey's: $800.00 (ANY POSE ),, Shingle Tail ($100.00) extra , Fighting birds ($150.00 Extra) I can mount your bird doing most anything if you bring me a picture of what you want it doing (priced on request) All Bases and Turkey Limbs are a additional charge : Limbs $65.00 /// Foam Dirt Bases $125.00 Habitat Work is $65.00 per Sq. FT Shingled Tail on mount : $100.00 extra
White Tail Deer Capes : Medium 16" to 18" $100 //// Large 19" to 22" $150.00 (When Available)